Amicis Tonic

Ingredients: 5 cl of Amicis; 1 mint leaf; 1 lemon zest; 20 cl of tonic water; Ice. Preparation Mode:  In the glass, start by freezing it by adding ice. Then drain the accumulated water; Add the lemon zest and mint leaf for flavoring; To finish, add the 5 cl of Amicis and then the tonic […]

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Ingredients: 5 cl of Amicis; 2  mint leaf; 1 lime juice; 2,5 cl of sugar syrup; Soda water; Ice. Preparation Mode: In the glass, add 2 mint leaf, juice of 1 lime, 2,5 cl of sugar syrup and 5 cl of Amicis; To finish, add the ice and then the soda water.

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